Release Notes
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Release 3.3.0
Add a field for "Checkpoint Dates" (delimited field) to the users table for the reporting engine.
Add a field for "Number of Checkpoints" to the user table in the reporting engine
Power search now supports manager data
Leaders now have the Powersearch option
Manager and above can create multi-user action plans
Addition of Leaders tab in the My Teams view to include leader's data.
Teams, All Teams button - expanded the table to the full height of the page.
Wizard dropdowns were covering the dialog buttons. This has been fixed.
The Action Plan buttons have been simplified to just a Save button.
The Action plan list is now a tree view showing all activities and a launch button for each (where applicable)
Manager short term priorities have been added to the leader dashboard.
"Short Term Priorities" has been renamed to "Weighted Short Term Priorities".
The Action Plan Reports Screen for managers now shows the Completion Percentage for the manager.