Baker Communications President and CEO Walter Rogers and Tom Vasconi, VP of Sales for AMS.NET will be discussing the fundamentals of driving a prospecting culture on this week‘s segment of Roger‘s show on CBS 650 Radio. Vasconi and CISCO Partner AMS.NET just completed a 12-week Data Center Virtualization Play with Baker Communications with phenomenal success – over $28 million in pipeline and just shy of $5 million in won business in just 12 weeks. The Play was 100% staged and executed in the Cloud leveraging WebEx Collaboration technology and Baker Communications‘ Coaching in the Cloud framework.

This is the sixth show in a 12-week series of 30-minute radio shows focusing on the challenges sales organizations are facing as they transform from a farming culture to a prospecting culture to close business and drive revenue during this period of economic uncertainty. The show airs this Wednesday, October 13, on CBS 650 radio. Top Sales Professionals and Senior Executives from highly successful Fortune 1000 companies will join Walter Rogers every week to share strategies and best practices that will launch and Fuel a powerful prospecting culture. These segments air during the popular show The Price of Business.

To listen live every Wednesday at 11:30 am, Central time, go to and select "Click Here to Listen Live." To listen to recordings, read articles that support each program, or to view the upcoming program schedule, click here.


About Baker Communications

Baker Communications designs and deploys Peak Performance and Transformation Solutions that ignite and sustain growth. As one of the fastest growing Performance Improvement companies in the world, Baker Communications delivers innovative products and services in eight areas including Sales, Marketing, CRM, Negotiations, Presentations, Management, Customer Service, and Time Management. Over 1,000 corporations per year, including 50% of the Fortune 500, partner with Baker Communications to improve the performance of their business critical functions and human capital.  Our employees and certified partners are distributed across the Americas, EMEA, Russia and Asia, enabling us to deliver value in multiple geographies, languages and cultures.  Baker Communications has been recognized as one of the world’s “Top 10 Sales Force Automation Training Companies” and “Top 20 Sales Training Companies.”


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